Monday, January 17, 2011

Scienology EQUALS worst propaganda EVER

Okay peeps, welcome to the world of ScientologySounds like a horrible geeky   disease, when infact its a horrible brainwashed state of mind infecting mindless sheep swimming in a sea of nameless faces. Unless you stomp the crap outta Oprah's couch. *cough* Tom Cruise. Moving on...

Now, let's not be biased okay?
 Let's assume this utter rubbish is true.
 Let's get to the 'facts' of Scientology.


    Developed by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology is a religion that offers a precise path leading to a complete and certain understanding of one’s true spiritual nature and one’s relationship to self, family, groups, Mankind, all life forms, the material universe, the spiritual universe and the Supreme Being.
    Scientology addresses the spirit—not the body or mind—and believes that Man is far more than a product of his environment, or his genes.

    1. Scientology comprises a body of knowledge which extends from certain fundamental truths. Prime among these are:
  1. Man is an immortal spiritual being.
  2. His experience extends well beyond a single lifetime.
  3. His capabilities are unlimited, even if not presently realized.
    1. Scientology further holds Man to be basically good, and that his spiritual salvation depends upon himself, his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe.
    Scientology is not a dogmatic religion in which one is asked to accept anything on faith alone.

  • Yeah thats whatcha get Christianity, how dare you be more popular than us!?

  • On the contrary, one discovers for oneself that the principles of Scientology are true by applying its
  • principles and observing or experiencing the results.
    The ultimate goal of Scientology is true spiritual enlightenment and freedom.
Believe it or not that pile of crap came from the official site for scientology. Check it out yourself. (
As far as I can tell, it's described itself to be like any other religion in the world, yet claming not to be. Okaaay.
When I clicked around the site to find out what the heck the actual princibles and beliefs were, they played a video telling me to buy the books.
My guess? It's sooo secret even 
"His mind was a whirlwind of Sci training...and the result? Grab the mic.
I don't think even he knew what he was doing there."
The comment above was made by TheGoalSetter of Youtube after viewing the following video:

 Now for all remaining 'facts' of scientology before the real post beings:

DMCA Removal of Thousands of YouTube Videos - Complainant Doesn't Exist

September 9, 2008: On September 4 and 5, at least 4,000 anti-Scientology videos were removed from the video sharing website, YouTube. The videos removed were done so by a single Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notice by an alleged 'rights group' called the American Rights Counsel LLC, which Wikinews has confirmed does not exist beyond the scope of those requests.

Alrighty, now for the fun stuff.
  • Faith, Religion, Religious Freedom


    "There are certain characteristics and mental attitudes 
    that cause a percentage of the population to oppose 
    violently any betterment activity or group. This small 
    percentage of society (roughly 2.5 percent) cannot stand 
    the fact that Scientology is successful at improving 
    conditions around the world. This same 2.5 percent is 
    opposed to any self-betterment activity.  The reason they so rabidly oppose Scientology is because 
    it is doing more to help society than any other group."

  • My conclusion?
     Scientologists are aliens in disguise. They have been here on Earth studying us to see fit the best way to manipulate us. This whole Scientology things is to distract us from the invading alien force which intends on eating our flesh and stealing our women.

    So friends, I leave you with this video and the following list of Scientology assasinations and suicides. For the complete list go here----

    50. Bud Fields - murdered in 1985. Was owner of the ship La Boheme, and he refused to sell it to David Miscavige. A week after his murder the ship was sold to David Miscavige and renamed the Freewinds.
    61. Doreen Gaul - murdered.
    68. Viktor Gunnarson - ? shot?
    130. Jaime Lee Nureyev- “accident”. Was run over just before she was going to testify against Scientology.
    134. Louie Pagliaro- murdered in Las Vegas. He demanded that Scientology refund his $100,000 or else he would expose the OT levels. He had spent a fortune trying to use his OT Powers to win at gambling. He was found chopped to pieces in his home soon after.
    185. Suzine Van Sickle - murderd. Suffocated with a pillow by her Scientologist daughter & grandaughter.
    186. Patrice Vic - suicide. Jumped from his 12th floor balcony.
    187. Daniel Wagner, 45 - ? in 2003.
    188. Larry Wheaton - Was pilot of crashed jetliner, AirFlorida flight 90, Washington DC, Jan 13, 1982.
    189. Rudolf Willems - suicide by gunshot.
    190. Margaret Winklemann - drowned. Accident or suicide? Was taking huge doses of vitamins.
    191. Jane Winkler - ?. Was an OT7.

    122. --- Miscavige - suicide. Was David Miscavige’s sister. She was an OT 7. First name unknown.
    123. Ed Mooney - aneurism in 1990. Was an OT8.
    124. Diane Morrison - cancer.
    125. Khushroo Motivala - suicide. Was not a Scientologist, but his girlfriend was, and he was so terrified of them that he killed himself.
    126. Stacey Meyer - electrocuted at Golden Era, in 2000.
    78. Herve Hiver - murdered by his Scientologist nanny in Copenhagen. Was 1 ½ years old. (See below)
    79. Lauren Hiver - murdered by her Scientologist nanny along with her twin brother. (See above)

    75. Joseph Havenith - Died on Purification Rundown. Had a stroke in a bathtub where the water was so hot his skin was boiled off.
    76. Jim Hester - ?. In Miami.
    50. Bud Fields - murdered in 1985. Was owner of the ship La Boheme, and he refused to sell it to David Miscavige. A week after his murder the ship was sold to David Miscavige and renamed the Freewinds.
    39. Diane Colletto - murdered by her Scientologist husband.
    40. Richard Colletto - suicide. After killing his wife. Was an OT 3.
    41. Richard Collins - suicide. Jumped off of the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol.
    32. Steven Craine - ?. At East Grinstead.
    33. Al Crivello - suicide, by gunshot.
    34. Leigh Crundall - suicide, by hanging.
    35. Chris Currier - ?
    36. Roberto D.- suicide. Jumped from 8th floor of building, in Italy, March 199731. Mark Carlton - suicide, jumped off of the Aurora Bridge in Seattle, about 1978.
    32. David E. Cary – Murdered by his wife in 1951. Both were early followers of Dianetics. (see next entry).
    33. Helen Cary – Suicide in 1951. After she murdered her husband, she killed herself. (see previous entry)
    82. L. Ron Hubbard - avoided real medical care.
    83. Quentin Hubbard - suicide in Las Vegas, 1977. Carbon monoxide poisening. Was L. Ron Hubbard’s son, and an OT 7 and a Class XII auditor.


    Bare-Faced Messiah, The True Story of L. Ron Hubbard
    L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman?
    The dangerous new cult of Scientology
    Lloyd Arthur Eshbach autobiography:
    Ellison interview:The Saturday Evening Wings, Nov-Dec 1978, p.32. Reportedly Ellison also said similar things in _TIME OUT_, UK, no. 332.
    Over My Shoulder: Reflections of the Science Fiction Era, Oswald Train: Publisher, Phila. 1983, limited edition)
    by Arlene and Howard Eisenberg, Parents Magazine, June 1969, pages 48-49 and 82-86.
    by Bent Corydon and L. Ron Hubbard Jr. a.k.a. Ronald DeWolf.(Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart, 1987) ISBN 0-8184-0444-2 In 1992, from Barricade Books, dist. by Publishers Group West, $12.95. See the Access FAQ for reviews.
    by Russell Miller (N.Y.: Henry Holt & Co., 1987) ISBN 0-8050-0654-0. $19.95 London: Michael Joeseph Penguin Book Ltd, 1987. See the Access FAQ for reviews.

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