Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Welcome to Ground Zero

Welcome to 'The Nation" fellow skeptical/curious/paranoid/abductees.
Y'know, whichever category you might be in, regardless you are welcome here.
Even ya'll that hate everything I say and wanna start internet fights. Yeah even you.
Come on down. We wont bite-
NOTE*** No promises can be made in event of Zombie Apocalypse.

I am here to:
  1. Bring you information I feel deserves notice
  2. Prepare you in the event of any apocalypse
  3. Show you occasional scientific facts
  4. Link you to other sites and videos to help prove my point
  5. Generally enlighten you
  6. Prepare you in the event of goverment collapse
  7. Prepare you in the event of NWO
  8. Help you disapere "off the grid"
  9. Keep you updated
  10. And sometimes even amuse you.
Subjects I favor:
  • Government Cover-ups
  • Political bloopers
  • UFO "sightings"
  • Area 51/52 (kudos if you know what I mean)
  • Project Blue Beam
  • The "elite"
  • Bunkers
  • Vaccines
  • Zombies
  • Propaganda
  • Historical cover-ups
  • Caught-in-the-act lies by Government Officials
  • Questionable Behavior
  • Escape Plans
  • Preparedness
  • Animal Suicides
  • Solar Flares
  • Economic Collapse
  • Spies
  • Banned Books
  • Banned Videos
I take requests, I enjoy humor and I read opinions and ideas. Even if they suck.
Yours almost always,

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